Seems like I’ve been doing this blogging thing for so long that this is the third or fourth time I’ve gone through a “busy”/”personal” period.
First, I’d like to preface all this by saying that things are generally great. There are no huge crisis that I’m wading through. I’m not planning to quit the blogging game or reviewing products in the foreseeable future.
It’s just that I’m generally busy. No, correction…make that absolutely buried. Between holding down two jobs and being a full-time single dad, it’s not easy finding a lot of time to grill, cook, taste new products, let alone write and podcast about them. A good portion of my daily meals are of the super-simple/quickie/fast food variety. I sort of envy those in the fiery foods blogging community with far fewer responsibilities, affording them to have a more prolific output. Don’t get me wrong; I’m more than happy for the terrific coverage they provide, but the (friendly) competitive nature in me wants to keep up, and it’s killing me to keep my spicy food projects on the back burner! LOL
And now, my main laptop is out of commission. Now before you start thinking anything, I’ve been prudent and have made regular backups; and I have a spare laptop ready to go, so I’m good there. But any of you who have dealt with similar circumstances know that moving to a new machine is not an easy or painless task. Not only is there the transfer of data, but there is also the setting up and installation of programs, setting up preferences from scratch, and the little “monkey wrench in the machinery” aspect of not having all the necessary software (at least immediately). With very little free time on my hands, this is easily panning out to be a week-long process.
When it comes to the Firecast podcast, I have a trio of GREAT interviews with some talented product makers coming up ahead: Dan Arnold of SuckleBusters, who produces some outstanding BBQ seasonings, sauces and more; Paul Sarris of Sweet Sunshine Sauces, who has concocted a lineup of genre-bending and category-blurring, all-purpose chili sauces; and the one and only Chad Lowcock of Race City Sauce Works, who is one of the utmost flavor geniuses in the food industry. Not only that, but chilehead blogger and regular Firecast contributor Ken Alexander have some juicy conversations recorded and ready to roll. Look for these to show up in the Firecast Podcast feed in the coming weeks, just as soon as the laptop situation gets remedied.
So in summary, I will be back and crankin’ out the goods at full speed at some point in the future. Until then, thank for your patience and stay tuned!
Man, I still get SQL errors every time I try to read your reviews. Haven’t been able to access them in months. I just picked up the entire Ring of Fire line except for the steak sauce, so I’m good for another month or so, but then I’m going to need to get back in your list!