I like desserts and snacks a lot. My dad loves to eat sweet things that are also spicy. He gave me some of his Heartbreaking Dawns Fountain and Fairfax Ghost Pepper Chocolate Chip Cookie and it is hot!
Dad told me to put this cookie in the microwave for 10 seconds to warm it up. It made the chocolate chips gooey and warm. They were delicious! The cookie got very, very hot! I could only eat half the cookie. I needed lots of milk to put out the fire! My dad had to finish the other half. But it was yummy.
Photo by Scott Roberts
This cookie would be a good cookie to play a trick on my friends or a spicy dessert when I have lots of milk. It would give it
Kevin’s Side of the Dish is 100% written by my 10-year-old son and budding chilehead Kevin Roberts. The only assistance I provide is any necessary fixes in capitalization and punctuation, help with HTML and resizing pictures in Photoshop.