Februarys in Columbus, Ohio can count on getting warmed up by the annual North Market Fiery Foods Festival. If you live anywhere in the area, you’ll want to check out the event this coming weekend. As always, our friends over at The Hot Zone Online (being the Ohio natives that they are) will provide excellent coverage.
The Fiery Foods Festival (not to be confused with the national Fiery Foods and Barbecue Show in Albuquerque) also gets some local media coverage, such as this from the Columbus Dispatch:
“You don’t have to be a professional chef to compete in the Fiery Foods Festival
“The 7th annual event Saturday at the North Market includes contests for amateurs. They can compete against other homemade salsa makers or amatuer hot sauce creators.
“The truly adventurous can sign up the day of the event to compete in the Hot Pepper Eating or Wings of Fire contest. The person with the iron mouth can win prizes from Cajohns Fiery Foods.
“Local professional chefs will also compete in the Chef Chili Challenge. There will also be vendors, musical acts and other events.
“Not brave enough to compete? Visitors can still sample the competitors’ work for a $5 tasting fee.
For more information and a schedule of events, call the North Market at 614-463-9664 or visit www.northmarket.com.”
The newspaper also produced a short video on how CaJohn’s bottle their spicy sauce. Since there was no embed code provided, you’ll have to click on the image below to go to the Columbus Dispatch website in order to view the video: