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ScottRobertsWeb.com Jan 22 2015 E-Mail Newsletter
What's Blazin' in the World This Week!
Low & Slow BBQ at Home with Ray Lampe AKA Dr. BBQThinking of Taking a BBQ Class? This is it!

You don't need to travel halfway across the country or spend hundreds of dollars to get a BBQ master class training. With Low & Slow BBQ at Home with Ray Lampe AKA Dr. BBQ, you can watch this multiple-module video course with full class materials any time, day or night, right from the convenience of home or backyard. Learn to cook all the meats and make your own sauces and rubs from Dr. BBQ, Ray Lampe. Get it now for $39.99!

Link - scottrobertsweb.com/bbqclass
Happy National Hot Sauce Day!It's Happy National Hot Sauce Day!

Yep! Today, January 22nd, is National Hot Sauce Day!

Although, many of you already eat hot sauce with every meal, there are some of you who consume it sporadically. If you find yourself in the later group, make sure you pour on the spicy stuff with your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!
Firecast Podcast Episode #72 – Chile Pepper Myths and Science, Featuring Dr. Gillian Dagan of ABC Research Laboratories

Firecast Podcast Episode #72 - Chile Pepper Myths and Science, Featuring Dr. Gillian Dagan of ABC Research Laboratories

In this special extra spicy hot, capsaicin-injected episode, Scott chats with Dr. Gillian Dagan of ABC Research Laboratories, and discusses topics such as what a food lab does and the rundown on HPLC testing to determine where things fall on the Scoville Heat Scale.

Scott also dispels several chile pepper and hot sauce-related myths, and reviews both Chili Hellion Smoked Habanero Powder and the NatureBox snack service.

Link - Download, listen and subscribe to Episode #72!
Heartbreaking Dawns
Scott Roberts Voiceover

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