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ScottRobertsWeb.com January E-Mail Newsletter
The Newsletter is Now Switching to a Weekly Format!

First of all, let me wish you a Happy 2013! My hope for each and every one of you is that you will have the best ever year of your life. And now for the topic of this email...

I am going to make what was once a monthly newsletter (and quite often it was even less frequent than that) into a weekly email. My aim is to collect all the latest fiery foods info you're craving - including the blog posts that have appeared on ScottRobertsWeb.com - and send them out on a weekly basis. Now, I'm probably like you in that I despise a bunch of crap sent to my inbox even if I'm halfway interested in the subject matter. Because of this, I'd like to invite you to unsubscribe if you would rather not receive weekly emails. I'd hate to lose you as a subscriber, but that's the kind of guy I am.... I would rather you be 100% on board than to be annoyed with me at any point in the future.

Anyway, thanks for your continued support, and keep it burnin'! - Scott

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