What's Blazin' in the World This Week!
Review - Hot Line Pepper Products Hot Sauces
An entire lineup of superior sauces? Oh yeah! All four of Houston, Texas-based Hot Line Pepper Products' incendiary offerings are a blast of incredible flavor, as well as suitable heat. Read more to see why you need to try these hot sauces!
Link: Review - Hot Line Pepper Products Hot Sauces


You're Missing Tons of kickass Fiery Updates on Facebook
Did you know that there are a lot more hot sauce, fiery foods and BBQ coverage from me than what you'll find on my main blog? Yep! If you're on Facebook (and who isn't nowadays?), you can "like" my Facebook and get hot daily in your feed, ranging from the fun to the fantastic.
Link: Like the ScottRobertsWeb.com Facebook Page
Weekly Firecast Podcast Episode #24 - Talkin' Barbecue with Shane Draper of Draper's BBQ
I recently had a great chat with Shane Draper of Draper's BBQ, who enthusiastically conversed about all things barbecue, and also gave an exclusive reveal on his collaboration with Tracy Carter of JAC's Tailgaters on what he hopes are going to be championship-winning sauce and seasoning products made for both competition BBQ and for recreational use.
Link: Weekly Firecast Podcast Episode #24 - Talkin' Barbecue with Shane Draper of Draper's BBQ