A Brand Spankin' New Podcast Geared Around Chile Peppers, Hot Sauces, BBQ, Spicy Food, Buffalo Wings and More!
Chileheads and BBQ fanatics can get plugged into the NEW Weekly Firecast, a downloadable audio podcast that's sure to set to spicy food world on fire with unbiased product reviews, interviews with industry movers & shakers and more.
You can enjoy the podcast anytime, anywhere by subscribing via iTunes or your favorite podcatcher, or by downloading directly to your computer. The Weekly Firecast is the perfect thing to listen to in your car, during your workout, while you're gardening, or just chillaxing in front of the computer!
Here are some of the most recent episodes:
Episode 001 - Interview with John "CaJohn" Hard of CaJohn's Fiery Foods
Scott speaks with none other than "The Godfather" of hot sauces, John "CaJohn" Hard! CaJohn chats extensively about his history, his fiery products, what it takes to create new flavors, and the chile pepper heat race. Scott also reviews Hellfire Hot Sauce's Blueberry Hell Hot Sauce.
Episode 002 - Interview with Jim Duffy of Refining Fire Chiles
An in-depth discussion with chile pepper grower and seller Jim Duffy of Refining Fire Chiles. He talks about how novices can grow their own super-hot chile peppers in their own home garden, the super-hot chile race to claim the world's hottest pepper title, why super-hots are like NFL quarterbacks, what his favorite flavors & types of chiles are, and the state of chile-eating videos on YouTube.
Episode 003 - Double Feature Interview with Brian & Marilyn Meagher of Hot Sauce Daily, and Ed Currie and Pepper Joe
First, Scott speaks with Brian & Marilyn Meagher of HotSauceDaily.com and HotSauceWeekly.com, who discuss briefly the history of their site and podcast, what they think of hot sauce reviewing in general, and attending fiery foods events. Then Scott chats with Ed Currie of the Pucker Butt Pepper Company and Pepper Joe of PepperJoe.com about the release of the HP22B Chile Pepper AKA the Carolina Reaper Pepper, which is a contender for the Hottest Chile Pepper in the World. Plus, Scott reviews Captain Thom's Thai Monkey Sauce.
You can learn more about the show on the Official Weekly Firecast page at http://www.2guystalking.com/firecast.
You can listen or subscribe at the link above or go to the iTunes link here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/weekly-firecast-scott-roberts/id555880274.
Catch a Hot Sauce Show or Chilehead Festival!
We're in the midst of chile pepper festival season, and it's still not too late to attend one! Be sure to take a glance at Scott's Chilehead Events Calendar and see what's close by your neck of the woods.
A few notable shows include the Houston Hot Sauce Festival, which is sure to burn up Texas and surrounding areas this coming weekend, September 15 - 16. Those who live closer to the eastern portion of the United States may find Jungle Jim's Weekend of Fire within perfect distance to get their fix of incendiary foods, and takes place the first weekend of October!
Chilehead Events Calendar

