Ah...Spring is in the air here in the Northern Hemisphere! More people will be venturing outside to fire up their grills and BBQ smokers, to enjoy warm weather activities with family and friends, and get started growing chile peppers in their gardens! Many people don't realize that in most of North America it takes minimal effort to maintain chile plants. If you're looking for an inexpensive and simple way to have a steady supply of peppers for flavor and fire for your dishes this Summer and Fall, consider getting around a dozen or so plants of all heat and taste levels. That way you can always keep it burning!
- Scott
Facebook Fanpage
Many of you are already friends with me on Facebook, and have kept up on many of my blogging activities that way. Well, I have FINALLY created a page specifically for ScottRobertsWeb.com! My plan is to steadily move away from posting hot sauce, spicy food, or BBQ-specific items on my personal profile page. Instead, I will update the new fanpage with all this great information. Not only am I going to promote my own stuff, but other fiery food happenings from other blogs and around the web.
Whatever you do, don't get left out! Please "like" the ScottRobertsWeb.com Facebook Page to stay current on all things spicy!
Interview with Michael Anthony of Chickenfoot and Van Halen
After a couple of years of trying to pin down the legendary hard rock bassist, I was finally able to sit down with him for an interview. Here's my conversation with Michael Anthony on being a rock 'n' roll chilehead and what lies ahead for his Mad Anthony hot sauce line:
Interview with Michael Anthony
The Weekly Firecast
Here are the latest installments in the St. Louis Riverfront Times Award-Winning series:
Review of TATs Black Dahlia BBQ Sauce
Pepper Jelly Heaven with Suzanne's Kitchen



During my February appearance on Greg Rempe's wildly popular BBQ Central Radio Show, I talked about Mad Dog Chipotle BBQ Sauce, SuckleBusters Original BBQ Sauce, and Rubio Spice Company Griller's Rub. Listen to see if I thought they soared or they stunk:
February 21, 2012 Episode