Welcome, *|FNAME|*! Before I get into the meat of this newsletter, I wanted to give a quick shout-out and thanks to everyone who's watched the Weekly Firecast. Just last night I found out that it won the 2 Guys Talking Podcast Network "I Hear Your Podcast" Contest as the most downloaded/accessed show! My hope is that the Firecast continues to improve and become the type of killer video media that you've always wish existed. Got any suggestions or show ideas for it? I'd love to hear about them! My heartfelt appreciation goes out to all of you, and remember to Keep it Burning!
- Scott

New Bull's-Eye Regional BBQ Sauces Kraft Foods has introduced a quartet of new sauces to their popular Bull's-Eye BBQ Sauce with their take on the four most distinctive barbecue styles in America. Here's my take on Bull's-Eye Regional BBQ Sauces.
Other Reviews:
Brother Kane Hot Sauce and Jalapeno Potato Chips
Danny Cash Fallen Angel Jolokia Ghost Wing Sauce

Presenting the Weekly Firecast - the first weekly video show and podcast about the fiery food that chileheads and barbecuers love - hot sauce, wings, salsa, BBQ and more.
Here is the episode rundown:
#5 - CaJohns Oaxacan Hot Sauce and Scott's Favorite Seasoning and Spice Combinations
#4 - Weekend of Fire Report and BBQ Pitmasters Review
#3 - Screamin' Peaches Hot Sauce, Plus Odds N' Ends
#2 - Ott's Honey Blackberry BBQ Sauce and Weekend of Fire Preview
#1 - Majave Habanero Hot Sauce and the Best BBQ Woods for Smoking



We're in the midst of chile pepper/hot sauce festival season! If you reside in close proximity to any of these events, make an effort to attend one: there's the Hatch Chile Festival in Hatch, New Mexico; the National Buffalo Wing Festival in Buffalo, New York; the Hot Licks Fiery Food Festival in San Diego, California; the 15th Annual Chile Pepper Food Festival in Bowers, Pennsylvania; the North Carolina Hot Sauce Contest in Oxford, North Carolina; the 10th Annual Houston Hot Sauce Festival in Houston, Texas; and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Chile Pepper Fiesta in Brooklyn, New York.
All of these festivals and shows have their own flavor (no pun intended) and types of activities. To see these and other upcoming events, visit my Hot Sauce/Chilehead Events Calendar.

If you desire lip smackin' good fiery food coverage in audio format then the Brian and Marilyn Meagher's Hot Sauce Weekly Podcast is what you've been after. Here are a pair of recent spicy food reviews I've done for the show:
Episode 26: Unique Destiny Jolokia Sauce
Episode 27: Black Mamba Chilli Venom