Welcome, *|FNAME|*! Here in most of the U.S., we've reached the dog days of summer and into the throngs of festival season. Whether its a local BBQ competition, a salsa festival or a hot sauce show, there's bound to be something within a reasonable amount of driving time from where you call home. To view upcoming national and major regional events, don't forget to check out the Spicy Food and Hot Sauce Calendar. Keep it burning!
- Scott

The Weekly Firecast I've created a new video podcast show about the grub we chileheads and BBQ fans dig - hot sauce, salsa, barbecue sauces, meats and woods, wings, and more. So far two episodes are in the can, with many more on the way. If you haven't yet viewed them, what are you waiting for? You can see the goods at the Weekly Firecast page.
Ep. 1: Majave Habanero Hot Sauce Review and a BBQ Woods Overview
Ep. 2: Ott's Honey Blackberry BBQ Sauce Review and a preview of the Weekend of Fire

Product reviews by Scott - honest and opinioned tastings of spicy food.
Chick-Fil-A's Spicy Chicken Sandwich
Bacon Hot Sauce
Blair's Golden Death Sauce
Zane & Zack's Hellfire Habanero Cream Cheese
Jake Albert's Fuego Azul Wild Blueberry Habanero Glaze



If you're anywhere near the Cincinnati, Ohio area this coming weekend, you absolutely have to attend Jungle Jim's 4th Annual Weekend of Fire. The biggest hot sauce and spicy foods show in the Midwest returns Saturday, July 31 and Sunday, August 1 and promises to be bigger and better than ever with up to 75 vendors on hand! There's slated to be lots of eating contests, including Defcon Sauce's Deathmatch National Wing-Eating Championship, so if you're attending and interested in grabbing the glory by winning ojne of these matches, be sure to sign up early! For more info on the contests, go to here, here and here.
Bookending the Weekend of Fire will be CaJohn's Open House on Monday, August 2, which is taking place at CaJohns' sauce making facilities northwest in the Columbus, Ohio area. Attendees will see the new building and get treated to a free lunch. The chile bloggers (myself included) with also have a contest to see who can best identify ingredients in several dishes concocted by CaJohn.

If you desire lip smackin' good fiery food coverage in audio format then the Brian and Marilyn Meagher's Hot Sauce Weekly Podcast is what you've been after. Here are a handful of recent spicy food reviews I've done for the show:
Episode 22: G & M Farms Super Chile Fire Salsa
Episode 23: Peppahead Big Red BBQ Sauce
Episode 24: Wicked Cactus Sauce Head Hunter's Paradise
During my July appearance on Greg Rempe's BBQ Central Radio Show, I reviewed the following products:
Ott's Honey Blackberry BBQ Sauce
Pork Barrel BBQ All American Spice Rub
Peppahead Big Red BBQ Sauce