Blairs Offering Sundried Jolokia Peppers

Dried Ghost Chiles - Blair's Offering Dried Bhut Jolokia PeppersBlair’s Sauces and Snacks is now selling the hottest of the hot – the famous Bhut Jolokia chile pepper (also known as the Naga Jolokia or “Ghost Chili” . The Bhut Jolokia clocks in at just over one million scoville units, making it the hottest known pepper on the planet. Blair’s Jolokia Whole are – yep, you guessed it – whole, sun-dried Jolokia peppers that come in label-less packages (only a plain sticker personally wriiten on by Blair Lazar will be on them). Those excited by this news may be somewhat turned off by the price: 2 oz. runs for $34.00, which is very costly compared for the prices for dried peppers. Still, for those who don’t wish to go through the lengthy process of buying Jolokia seeds online, taking months to grow them, and drying the peppers, this may be quick alternative to try the king of the chiles in your recipes.

Scoville Scale For Hot Sauces and Hot Peppers

Scoville Scale ChartThis weekend I’ve finished “phase one” of a small project I’ve wanted to do for a while – create a searchable, sortable database of hot sauces and hot chile peppers, listed by how they rate on the Scoville Scale of Hotness. To my knowledge, it’s the largest, most comprehensive chart available on the web. You can peruse it here: Scoville Scale Chart for Hot Sauce and Hot Peppers