The World’s Best Wallpaper Site – InterfaceLIFT


Computer wallpaper sites are a dime a dozen, but the very best place in the world for free wallpapers is InterfaceLIFT. It offers hundreds of high quality wallpapers for FREE, for all sorts of screen resolutions ranging from dual and triple monitors to widescreen to mobile devices, from 2560 x 1600 to 320 x 240 pixels. What really sets this site apart from most other wallpaper sources is the abundance of absolutely mind-blowingly gorgeous photography present in these graphics. Some are so good you’ll want to change your desktop background every other week. Believe me, this is a place you’ll wanna bookmark…

How to Download MP3s from Streaming Music Sites

The Wired How-To Wiki has published an easy-to-understand guide describing how to download MP3s from streaming music sites. Using Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, File2hd, or StationRipper (the last of which can access,, and AOL Radio), you can easily grab downloaded MP3s that have streamed to your hard drive using the browsers’ caches or by using the software programs.


Top 10 Reasons I Haven’t Been Blogging Recently

1. My girlfriends won’t let me out of bed long enough.
2. Busy perfecting a new spicy food recipe.
3. Can’t stop laughing at all those Joe Biden gaffes.
4. I like sleeping.
5. Trying to finish the next Great American Novel.
6. Still trying to figure out what “meme” means.
7. Too busy hanging outside Drew Barrymore’s house shirtless trying to impress her.
8. Waiting in line for those Labor Day sales at the mall.
9. Found myself in Tijuana with only one kidney and only three cents to my name.
10. One word: LOLcats.

Review: Trader Joe’s Chile Spiced Mango

Trader Joe's Chile Spiced Mango slices reviewWhile perusing the dried snack/nuts aisle at one of my local Trader Joe’s, I noticed bags of Chile Spiced Mango slices on the shelf and thought I’d give them a whirl. Hey, I’m all for combining spice and heat with just about food item, including ones that are predominantly sweet. Some of these types of culinary partnerings are successful, while others are a complete flop. Trader Joe’s Chile Spiced Mango slices fall somewhere in the middle.


Dried mango slices, sugar, paprika, salt, citric acid, and cayenne


The aroma given off by the open bag was light yet borderline…

How to Make an Invisible Mask

Don’t want security cameras snapping pictures of you everywhere? Here’s a brief video showing how to make an “invisibility mask” using an old baseball cap and LED lights:

It may not exactly be practical or comfortable, but it might be fun to try out even if you aren’t a privacy nut or plan to use it for nefarious purposes (which I don’t advocate, by the way:-)).