Fiery Foods Show At-Home Giveaway Contest

You could win this awesome hot sauce prize pack if you copy the phrase I hold up on this sheet of paper verbatim (include any punctuation, hyphens, cross every t and dot every i). You can be eligible only if you are not attending any of the 3 days of the Fiery Foods Show in Albuquerque, NM in 2010. Send the phrase to the e-mail address in this video to enter. You have until 11:59 PM Central Time Monday, March 8, 2010 to enter. Any e-mails received after that date and time will be disqualified.

This is not affiliated with the National Fiery Foods and Barbecue Show or Sunbelt Shows, Inc.

Wagons West – Heading Out to the Fiery Foods Show

The Scott Roberts Wagons of Love are friends with both the White Man and Native American IndiansTime to hitch up the horses and hit the trail – I’m almost ready to go westward towards Albuquerque, New Mexico, home of the National Fiery Foods and Barbecue Show. The event, which is in its 22nd year, is touted to be the largest trade show and convention of its kind in the world.

Myself and other chilehead bloggers – including Joe Levinson of The Hot Zone Online and Al “Buddah” Goldenberg of I Love It Spicy – will be there in full force, speaking with the exhibitors, sampling the latest spicy products, snapping photos and getting video for the benefit of all of you who unfortunately cannot attend.

If you yourself are planning to the Fiery Foods Show on Friday, Saturday or Sunday and happen to spot us in the ginormous masses of Fiery Foods Show attendees, please say “hi”! We promise we won’t bite…hard!

This will be my last regular blog post before traveling to the Land of Enchantment (New Mexico’s state nickname). Keep bookmarked (along with the other fine sites I mentioned earlier), for this weekend I’ll be posting reports and uploading oodles of pictures from the show.

Follow my up-to-the-minute exploits in New Mexico on my Twitter account. I plan to post several updates a day before, during and after the show with plenty of photos. (By the way, if you want to follow ALL Fiery Food Show Twitter updates, search for the #NFFS hashtag.)

Don’t forget that some time on Saturday I’ll be posting a video for the hot sauce giveaway contest that any of you at home can enter to win! Sometime this coming Friday or early Saturday morning I’ll be announcing the time that the video will be posted; copy the phrase that’s in the video and send it to me in an e-mail and I’ll put you in a drawing to win the prize pack.

Last but not least, the Fiery Foods and BBQ SuperSite promises to have streaming video this weekend of the show, right on their web page. Don’t forget to hit their site several times to tune into both live and pre-recorded segments.

Review – Race City Sauce Works 98 Octane Ghost Pepper Reserve and Green Fairy Absinthe Inferno

98 Octane Ghost Pepper Reserve and The Green Fairy Absinthe Inferno In my humble li’l opinion, Race City Sauce Works is one of the brightest new stars in the hot sauce world as of late. Owner Chad Lowcock and company boast a small but growing collection of fine sauces; among them is the delicious Lucky Dog Smokey Habanero Honey Mustard, and I’m still figuratively kicking myself for not picking up more at last year’s Weekend of Fire show. I’m pledging to remedying that situation soon! But until then, Chad has generously provided a couple of newer condiments for me to try. The first is the scorching, bhut jolokia-infused 98 Octane Ghost Pepper Reserve and the second is a brand spankin’ and mysterious new sauce called The Green Fairy Absinthe Inferno.

I must note that both bottles have had their tops dipped and coated in a wax resin. Collectors love these things and I think they’re cool looking, but I always feel a tiny bit guilty for having to remove the wax in order to open the bottles, because they’re “meant” to double as collector’s items. But I am NOT a collector; I have only about 10 bottles of hot sauce that I’m intent on never opening. So off goes the wax because I wanna taste these sauces!

Review – Zulu Zulu Peri Peri Garlic Chile Pepper Sauce

Zulu Zulu Peri Peri Garlic Chile Pepper SauceHere’s a little number that’s produced by out of Atlanta, GA. It’s called Zulu Zulu Peri Peri Garlic Chile Pepper Sauce. It uses, yep, you guessed it, the ever increasingly-used African Bird’s Eye peppers and states on the bottle that the “original recipe [was] from South African”. I’m always up for trying how others outside of the Western Hemisphere incorporate chile peppers in foods, so let’s see what this sauce has under the hood…

Catch My Appearance on The BBQ Central Radio Show Tomorrow Night

The BBQ Central Radio ShowDon’t miss the BBQ Central Radio Show‘s episode tomorrow, Tuesday, March 2nd. BBQ legend Johnny Trigg of Smokin’ Trggers and TV’s BBQ Pitmasters will be the main guest, and show host Greg Rempe will have a segment on what it takes to open your own barbecue restaurant. In the third segment, I will join Greg for my monthly assessment on a few BBQ sauces and rubs I’ve tried and tell you, the listening audience, whether or not I think they’re worthy of your time and hard-earned money.

You can tune in live at 9:00 PM Eastern/8:00 PM Central at, or listen to the show at a later date by subscribing and downloading the podcast at

Can’t Make it to the Fiery Foods Show? Here’s a Contest Giveaway Just For You

Giveaway Contest Hot Sauce Prize PackAre you feeling bummed that you won’t get to attend this year’s Fiery Foods and BBQ Show? Here’s something that might lift your fiery spirits – I’m having a contest that’s open for those who are stuck at home or work during the FFS. This is a cool little giveaway that will include the following as the hot sauce prize pack for the winner…

New Spicy Websites Launch and Promise Video Hi-jinks

After much recent teasing and stringing along I’ve done as of late, a
pair of chile-related websites have made their debut –

I Love It Spicy

I Love It SpicyAl “Buddah” Goldenberg, myself and other chileheads have debuted a new
blog called I
Love It Spicy
that’s geared toward covering everything from
reviews to product recommendations to industry shows & festivals and
more, all on video.

Buddah is currently chronicling activities from this past weekend’s
North Market Fiery Foods Festival in Columbus, Ohio that he captured
on video – a jalapeno eating contest, a wing contest, and lots more
excitement from the show that you don’t want to miss.

There are big plans in the works for I Love It Spicy team getting
clips of next week’s National Fiery Foods & BBQ Show in Albuquerque,
New Mexico on video. There has also been talk about me getting
hypnotized on camera during the show, but I can neither confirm nor
deny those claims…

Catch the fun at or follow us on Twitter at @ILoveItSpicy.

Spicy RV

Spicy RVSpicy RV is a
group of wild, ragtag chileheads (headed up by the possibly sane,
probably insane James Beck of who will be commandeering a tour
bus and attempt to make a fiery pilgrimage from Houston, Texas to the
National Fiery Foods & BBQ Show (abbreviated NFFS below). The road
trip will be documented on their blog both in written and video formats, so
be sure to track their progress closely as they eat some of the
spiciest food on earth, drink enough margaritas to make even Nick
Nolte’s and Gary Busey’s livers scream for mercy, and hopefully keep
the Highway Patrol at bay before making its grand arrival at the NFFS
next week.

Follow Spicy RV’s psycho circus on wheels on Twitter at @SpicyRV and
through their RSS

Follow the Spicy RV crew individually on Twitter: @EatMoreHeat, @TexasFood, @GunsandTacos, @psedillo and @PedroThePepper

What’s More…

Before I close this post out, I shouldn’t neglect to mention that the
NFFS event that both of these websites will be visiting will be joined
by the Fiery Foods and BBQ SuperSite itself in providing online video.
From March 5th through 7th, you can watch both pre-recorded and live
streaming segments from the NFFS at

Letter From the UK – February 2010

david-floydA bit late with news this month from the UK, we had a quick family holiday, but we did use the evening to taste some sauces, the results coming up next month.

So what has been happening at the ChileFoundry since my last report,
well we reported on a number of local UK suppliers
Dartmoor Chilli Farmincluding the Dartmoor Chilli Farm who are taking an Organic and
Holistic view on growing Chillies and the Cambridge Chilli Farm whose
Raspberry and Chilli Jam had a rave review for us by ChilliPepperPete

We also reviewed The Chilli Jam Man’s Oak Smoked Garlic
& Chipotle Jam
, The Chilli Pepper Company’s Dragon’s
which was a Caribbean Style Hot Sauce that has been made with fresh Bhut Jolokia chillies. The Marie Sharps Grapefruit Pulp Habanero Pepper Sauce was reviewed by Darth Naga and he was very impressed of the combination…

Review – Heartbreaking Dawns Hot Sauces

Heartbreaking Dawns Hot SaucesHeartbreaking Dawns is an up-and-coming sauce maker hailing from upstate New York. They’re steadily making themselves known to the fiery foods world with an intriguing assortment of hot sauces: Classic Gold, Mango Habanero and Jalapeno Pineapple. They and I made out initial communication via Twitter (hey, who says that the social networking giant has no merit?) and before you know it, I had a package of their hot sauces in my hands. Here is my take on each one individually…

FireTalkers – Interview with Wayne Brawley of 2 Brothers Salsa

Wayne BrawleyHere’s the story: Texan Chef Wayne Brawley obtained a large amount of fresh tomatoes from his mother, so instead of letting them go to waste he decided to fire roast half of them and concoct a salsa recipe from them. Wayne’s family became big fans of his newly-spawned product, in particular his brother Wesley, who encouraged Wayne to continue to make salsa and suggested he tried to sell it in stores. Wesley had passed away in 2004. Wayne entered a pair of salsa contests with his chipotle-infused creation and took home First Place prizes for both. Believing he had a viable product on his hands, Wayne decided to take his brother’s urgings to market the salsa to retail locations around Texas. In honor of his late brother, he called it 2 Brothers Salsa.

I’ve asked Wayne some questions to shed additional light on his past, his company and salsa today, and what lies ahead for him and industry…

Scott: Where are you and your family from geographically?

Wayne: We live in the North Dallas area currently. My wife and I both…

A New Heat Scale for Chile Peppers?

Chile peppersA Whole New Scale Of Hot
Feb. 18, 2010

Peter Piper picked a pepper. If he had the new technology developed by one Baylor professor and his research team, he could have discovered just how hot the pepper was.

By Sara Tirrito
Staff writer

Dr. Kenneth Busch, professor and co-director of the Center for Analytical Spectroscopy, and his research team have eliminated the need for liquid chromatography in determining the heat of chili peppers…

Feeling Brave? The North Market Fiery Foods Festival Might Be For You…

CaJohn Hard looking through a Golden Chile Award
Februarys in Columbus, Ohio can count on getting warmed up by the annual North Market Fiery Foods Festival. If you live anywhere in the area, you’ll want to check out the event this coming weekend. As always, our friends over at The Hot Zone Online (being the Ohio natives that they are) will provide excellent coverage.

The Fiery Foods Festival (not to be confused with the national Fiery Foods and Barbecue Show in Albuquerque) also gets some local media coverage, such as this from the Columbus Dispatch:

“You don’t have to be a professional chef to compete in the Fiery Foods Festival

“The 7th annual event Saturday at the North Market includes contests for amateurs. They can compete against other homemade salsa makers or amatuer hot sauce creators.

“The truly adventurous can sign up the day of the event to compete in the Hot Pepper Eating or Wings of Fire contest. The person with the iron mouth can win prizes from Cajohns Fiery Foods.

“Local professional chefs will also compete in the Chef Chili Challenge. There will also be vendors, musical acts and other events.

“Not brave enough to compete? Visitors can still…