I interrupt any regular spicy food coverage for something that’s a bit more personal, but at least it is still food-related. I’ve gone on a diet.
You may be asking yourself, “why, Scott? You’re not the least bit obese.” Correct on that. Although I’ve been really fit and muscular at times of my life both from a better eating regimen and from exercise, I’ve certainly succumb to gaining a few pounds a few times in my adulthood.
The primary reason is in solidarity of my significant other. We have both agreed to start this fat-loss journey nine days ago, with all of the regular Atkins rules (low/no carbs, cutting out breads, crackers, cookies, sweets and fruits, and focus on eating proteins and fats like meats. fish, eggs, and butter, plus many non-starchy vegetables throw in).
Using my bathroom scale and wearing only shorts, my weigh-in on the morning of day one had me clocked in at a decent 185 lbs. I then, with all will power a-blazin’, dived head first at eating Atkins-approved meals both at work and at home.