Love Hot Wings and Buffalo Wings? Here Are 15 Different Recipes You’ve Gotta Try

img class=”alignright size-medium wp-image-2769″ src=”×300.jpg” alt=”buffalo-wing-recipes” width=”300″ height=”300″ />No other food (with the possible exception of chili) can claim to be the staple of any American chilehead’s diet quite like the spicy chicken wing. Here are 15 different links to sites with recipes for hot wings (breaded) and buffalo wings (unbreaded) that will increase your wing-making skills and expand your tastes.

Buffalo Chicken Wings
Basic, no-frills spicy buffalo wings.

Perfect Fried Chicken
Okay, so this is not necessarily a wing recipe – it’s a superb overview of all things concerning fried chicken. Study it and you will have a great “launch pad” from which you can take off with your own non-spicy and spicy fried chicken experiments.

Blair’s Death Wings
Super-fiery fried wings from hot sauce maker Blair Lazar.

How to Make Hot Wings: A Step by Step Guide
In-depth yet easy-to-follow guide to making hot wings. If you’re a complete novice and have never cooked spicy, breaded wings, start here.

Ultimate Guide to Drying Hot Chile Peppers

how to dry chile peppersWhy Dry Hot Peppers?

The main reason to learn how to dry hot peppers is simply to enable you to keep them for a long time. Peppers can last for several days to a few weeks at room temperature or in the refrigerator before they start to rot. Freezing peppers, if done right, can make them last several months, but the thawing process can be a tricky one where often you’re left with overly soft and mushy chiles. Dried chiles can last from several months to a few years if store properly.

Removing moisture from peppers will magnify and intensify the heat, flavor, and natural sugars it contains. Dehydrated chiles pack more fiery punch and ferocity in both solid food and hot sauce recipes than fresh peppers. Plus, if you grind or crush dried peppers, you can use it as an all-purpose flavoring and seasoning for any occasion.

Find Out How Much Caffeine Is In Drinks And Food

Coffee Bean Cup - How Much Caffeine is in your drinks?Admittedly or not, more of us than not are caffeine addicts. But exactly how much of the drug is in the beverages and candy we intake everyday? Well, I’ve seen plenty of online caffeine charts before, but nothing beats the Energy Fiend website for the shear amount of knowledge. It has multiple, sortable, comprehensive charts on the amount of caffeine in drinks of all types, the amount of caffeine in food, the amount of sugar in drinks, and even a “death by caffeine” calculator based on your body weight. There is also a full blog maintained by the site creators that chronicle the latest in energy drinks.